
NCEO Newsletter Discusses Managing Risk of ESOPs

The current (September/October 2016) issue of the newsletter of the National Center for Employee Ownership includes a discussion of “alternative actions” available to ESOP fiduciaries to mitigate risk to ESOP participants. Supportive of employee ownership while cognizant of its risks, Corey Rosen, the founder of the NCEO and one of the world’s foremost experts on employee ownership, suggests several actions that ESOP fiduciaries should thoughtfully evaluate. These options include the offering of early diversification to employees, placing more cash in the ESOP, and hedging stock risk through a strategy such as the ESOP Protection Trust. While not endorsing any product, Rosen writes that the successful implementation of a technique such as the ESOP Protection Trust could provide a winning argument for ESOP defendants embroiled in “stock drop” litigation.

Mr. Rosen’s full piece can be downloaded here.

NCEO Newsletter Discusses Managing Risk of ESOPs