
StockShield is Certified for Fiduciary Excellence

Independent assessment demonstrates adherence to best fiduciary practices

StockShield is Certified for Fiduciary Excellence

The Centre for Fiduciary Excellence (CEFEX) has certified the investment fiduciary practices of StockShield as adhering to a global standard of excellence for Investment Stewards. StockShield is the manager of a portfolio risk solution for Employee Stock Ownership Plans (ESOPs) called the ESOP Protection Trust.

The CEFEX standard of excellence for Investment Stewards is based on 21 fiduciary practices that seek to increase long-term investment performance through excellence in fiduciary investment management. The practices also help uncover investment and/or procedural risk, which may assist in prioritizing investment  management projects. CEFEX Managing Director Carlos Panksep said, “Through CEFEX’s independent assessment, the certification provides assurance to stakeholders that in the management of the investments within the ESOP Protection Trust, StockShield has demonstrated adherence to the industry’s best fiduciary practices.”

In conjunction with the certification process, Rehmann Financial, LLC, conducted incremental assessment activities including a review of documents and management/oversight procedures for the ESOP Protection Trust. Rehmann Financial Director of Consulting Services Gerald Wernette, CPA, CEBS, AIFA®, C(k)P™ said, “While ESOPs lack diversification – the hallmark of prudent management of ERISA retirement plans – the ESOP Protection Trust substantially mitigates the associated risks by injecting cash into ESOPs that suffer catastrophic losses on company stock.”

The 21 fiduciary practices are based on the fi360 Inc. publication Prudent Practices for Investment Stewards and are substantiated by legislation, case law, and regulatory opinion letters involving the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA), Uniform Prudent Investor Act (UPIA), Uniform Prudent Management of Institutional Funds Act (UPMIFA) and the Uniform Management of Public Employee Retirement Systems Act (MPERS) in the U.S. A summary of the fiduciary practices can be viewed by clicking on StockShield’s on-line CEFEX certificate, available at

The annual certification process involves a detailed review of documents, investments, and procedures followed by on-site interviews with key personnel. A full copy of the standard is available at More information on StockShield is available at

About CEFEX:
CEFEX, Centre for Fiduciary Excellence, LLC, an fi360 company, is an independent certification organization. CEFEX works closely with industry experts to provide comprehensive assessment programs to improve the fiduciary practices of investment stewards, advisors, recordkeepers, administrators and managers. CEFEX has offices in Pittsburgh, PA and Toronto, Canada.