
Investments & Wealth Monitor Publishes Article on Stock Protection Fund

Authors Explain How SPF Complements Exchange Funds

Investments & Wealth Monitor Publishes Article on Stock Protection Fund

In the May-June issue of Investments & Wealth Monitor, a bimonthly educational magazine written by award-winning authors throughout the financial industry, Thomas Boczar and Elizabeth Ostrander of Intelligent Edge Advisors published a 9-page article entitled Stock Protection Funds: The Inverse of Exchange Funds. The article discusses the problem of stock concentration, the Stock Protection Fund as a solution to that problem, and the specific reasons why the SPF serves as an optimal risk management solution for concentrated stockholders.

Investments & Wealth Monitor is published by the Investment Management Consultants Association (IMCA). IMCA sets the standards and practices for the investment management consulting profession and provides investment consultants and wealth managers with the credentials and tools required to best serve their clients. As of June 30, 2015, IMCA served 6,939 CIMA certificants (Certified Investment Management Analysts) and 848 CPWA professionals (Certified Private Wealth Advisors).